Following on from the first installment of New year, new you, new job?, here’s some more advice to help your search for a new job or career that little bit easier…..
Perfectionism. Just say no!
How (and why) interview coaching will boost your career prospects!
Get the job you want with STAR interview performance!
Job interviews are packed with a variety of different questions, all designed to understand more about you and your skills and experience, but also to help identify any evidence that hiring you might hinder - rather than help - organisational growth.
Job Interviews: Strike gold with this interview preparation!
How to ace your job interview with five star preparation
Think of it this way. You’re heading to a business meeting – so you prepare beforehand, right? Managing a project? Then pre-empting with groundwork is what’s needed. And if you’re an HR or Recruitment Manager who’s talent hunting, then familiarising yourself with the talent pool is a must. You get the gist.